RetailPro Tally Integration

Tally. ERP 9 provides you the capability to generate various financial statements and Management Information system reports, thereby facilitating better management, effective control and well informed decisions. Following are the some of the salient features, which makes Tally. ERP 9 best for basic financial management
Integrating Tally to Retail Pro
Map the required fields to be populated in Tally. The Tally tool generates an XML file that has to be imported to Tally ERP. This will automatically fill all the fields to be mapped. This significantly helps reduce the time taken to input all data manually into Tally ERP.SALES / RECEIPTS
Data will be collected at HO from all the stores Sales data will be pushed to Tally from the last run date into "Sales Entries" & “receipt entries” as end of day summaries End of day Summary of Sales Total & Tender Types along with tax %, tax code and tax amount will be sent to Tally. Receipt Number, Receipt Date, Store Number and Customer Name will be pushed to TallySALES ORDER / ADVANCE RECEIPT
Sales Order information will be pushed to Tally from the last date run to “Advance / Credit note entries” in TallyPURCHASE ENTRIES / VOUCHERS
Vouchers (Receiving Goods) “Summary Information” information will be pushed to Tally from last run change to “Purchase Entries” in TallyContact us to know how RetailWins can do more for you.